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OpenSL ES for Android extends the reference OpenSL ES specification to make it compatible withAndroid, and to take advantage of the power and flexibility of the Android platform.

The definition of the API for the Android extensions resides in OpenSLES_Android.hand the header files that it includes. Consult OpenSLES_Android.hfor details about these extensions. This file is located under your installation root, in thesysroot/usr/include/SLES directory. Unless otherwisenoted, all interfaces are explicit.

These extensions limit your application's portability toother OpenSL ES implementations, because they are Android-specific. You can mitigate this issue byavoiding use of the extensions or by using #ifdef to exclude them at compile time.

The following table shows the Android-specific interfaces and data locators that Android OpenSL ES supportsfor each object type. The Yes values in the cells indicate the interfaces and datalocators that are available for each object type.

FeatureAudio playerAudio recorderEngineOutput mix
Android buffer queueYes: Source (decode)NoNoNo
Android configurationYesYesNoNo
Android effectYesNoNoYes
Android effect capabilitiesNoNoYesNo
Android effect sendYesNoNoNo
Android simple buffer queueYes: Source (playback) or sink (decode)YesNoNo
Android buffer queue data locatorYes: Source (decode)NoNoNo
Android file descriptor data locatorYes: SourceNoNoNo
Android simple buffer queue data locatorYes: Source (playback) or sink (decode)Yes: SinkNoNo

Android configuration interface

The Android configuration interface provides a means to setplatform-specific parameters for objects. This interface is different from other OpenSL ES1.0.1 interfaces in that your app can use it before instantiating the corresponding object; thus,you can configure the object before instantiating it. TheOpenSLES_AndroidConfiguration.h header file, which resides at/sysroot/usr/include/SLES,documents the following available configuration keys and values:

  • Stream type for audio players (default SL_ANDROID_STREAM_MEDIA).
  • Record profile for audio recorders (default SL_ANDROID_RECORDING_PRESET_GENERIC).

The following code snippet shows an example of how to set the Android audio stream type on an audioplayer:

You can use similar code to configure the preset for an audio recorder:

Android effects interfaces

Android's effect, effect send, and effect capabilities interfaces providea generic mechanism for an application to query and use device-specificaudio effects. Device manufacturers should document any available device-specific audio effectsthat they provide.

Portable applications should use the OpenSL ES 1.0.1 APIs for audio effects instead of the Androideffect extensions.

Android file descriptor data locator

The Android file descriptor data locator permits you to specify the source for anaudio player as an open file descriptor with read access. The data format must be MIME.

This extension is especially useful in conjunction with the native asset manager, becausethe app reads assets from the APK via a file descriptor.

Android simple buffer queue data locator and interface

In the OpenSL ES 1.0.1 reference specification, buffer queues can be used for audio players only, and they arecompatible with PCM and other data formats.The Android simple buffer queue data locator and interface specs areidentical to the reference specification, with two exceptions:

  • You can use Android simple buffer queues with audio recorders and audio players.
  • You can only use the PCM data format with these queues.

For recording, your app should enqueue empty buffers. When a registered callback sendsa notification that the system has finished writing data to a buffer, the app canread from that buffer.

Playback works in the same way. For future source codecompatibility, however, we suggest that applications use Android simplebuffer queues instead of OpenSL ES 1.0.1 buffer queues.

Buffer queue behavior

The Android implementation does not include thereference specification's requirement that the play cursor return to the beginningof the currently playing buffer when playback enters the SL_PLAYSTATE_STOPPEDstate. This implementation can conform to that behavior, or it can leave the location of the playcursor unchanged.As a result, your app cannot assume that either behavior occurs. Therefore,you should explicitly call the BufferQueue::Clear() method after a transition toSL_PLAYSTATE_STOPPED. Doing so sets the buffer queue to a known state.

Similarly, there is no specification governing whether the trigger for a buffer queue callback mustbe a transition to SL_PLAYSTATE_STOPPED or an execution ofBufferQueue::Clear(). Therefore, we recommend that you do not create a dependency onone or the other; instead, your app should be able to handle both.

Dynamic interfaces at object creation

For convenience, the Android implementation of OpenSL ES 1.0.1permits your app to specify dynamic interfaces when it instantiates an object.This is an alternative to using DynamicInterfaceManagement::AddInterface()to add these interfaces after instantiation.

Reporting of extensions

There are three methods for querying whether the platform supports Android extensions. Thesemethods are:

  • Engine::QueryNumSupportedExtensions()
  • Engine::QuerySupportedExtension()
  • Engine::IsExtensionSupported()

Any of these methods returns ANDROID_SDK_LEVEL_<API-level>,where API-level is the platform API level; for example, ANDROID_SDK_LEVEL_23.A platform API level of 9 or higher means that the platform supports the extensions.

Decode audio to PCM

This section describes a deprecated Android-specific extension to OpenSL ES 1.0.1for decoding an encoded stream to PCM without immediate playback.The table below gives recommendations for use of this extension and alternatives.

API levelAlternatives
15 and belowAn open-source codec with a suitable license
16 to 20 The MediaCodec class or an open-source codec with a suitable license
21 and above NDK MediaCodec in the <media/NdkMedia*.h> header files, the MediaCodec class, or an open-source codec with a suitable license

Note: There is currently no documentation for the NDK version of the MediaCodec API. However,you can refer to thenative-codec sample code for an example.

A standard audio player plays back to an audio device, specifying the output mix as the data sink.The Android extension differs in that an audio player insteadacts as a decoder if the app has specified the data source either as a URI or as an Androidfile descriptor data locator described using the MIME data format. In such a case, the data sink isan Android simple buffer queue data locator that uses the PCM data format.

This feature is primarily intended for games to pre-load their audio assets when changing to anew game level, which is similar to the functionality that the SoundPoolclass provides.

The application should initially enqueue a set of empty buffers in the Android simplebuffer queue. After that, the app fills the buffers with PCM data. The Android simplebuffer queue callback fires after each buffer is filled. The callback handler processesthe PCM data, re-enqueues the now-empty buffer, and then returns. The application is responsible forkeeping track of decoded buffers; the callback parameter list does not includesufficient information to indicate the buffer that contains data or the buffer that should beenqueued next.

The data source implicitly reports the end of stream (EOS) by delivering aSL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATEND event at the end of the stream. After the app has decodedall of the data it received, it makes no further calls to the Android simple buffer queue callback.

The sink's PCM data format typically matches that of the encoded data sourcewith respect to sample rate, channel count, and bit depth. However, you can decode to a differentsample rate, channel count, or bit depth.For information about a provision to detect the actual PCM format, see Determining the format of decoded PCM data via metadata.

OpenSL ES for Android's PCM decoding feature supports pause and initial seek; it does not supportvolume control, effects, looping, or playback rate.

Depending on the platform implementation, decoding may require resourcesthat cannot be left idle. Therefore, we recommend that you make sure to providesufficient numbers of empty PCM buffers; otherwise, the decoder starves. This may happen,for example, if your app returns from the Android simple buffer queue callback withoutenqueueing another empty buffer. The result of decoder starvation isunspecified, but may include: dropping the decodedPCM data, pausing the decoding process, or terminating the decoder outright.

Note: To decode an encoded stream to PCM but not play back immediately, for apps running onAndroid 4.x (API levels 16–20), we recommend using the MediaCodec class.For new applications running on Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher, we recommend using the NDKequivalent, <NdkMedia*.h>. These header files reside inthe media/ directory under your installation root.

Decode streaming ADTS AAC to PCM

An audio player acts as a streaming decoder if the data source is anAndroid buffer queue data locator that uses the MIME data format, and the datasink is an Android simple buffer queue data locator that uses the PCM data format.Configure the MIME data format as follows:


This feature is primarily intended for streaming media applications thatdeal with AAC audio but need to perform custom audio processingprior to playback. Most applications that need to decode audio to PCMshould use the method that Decode audio to PCM describes,as that method is simpler and handles more audio formats. The technique describedhere is a more specialized approach, to be used only if both of theseconditions apply:

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  • The compressed audio source is a stream of AAC frames contained in ADTS headers.
  • The application manages this stream. The data is not located withina network resource whose identifier is a URI or within a local file whose identifier isa file descriptor.

The application should initially enqueue a set of filled buffers in the Android buffer queue.Each buffer contains one or more complete ADTS AAC frames.The Android buffer queue callback fires after each buffer is emptied.The callback handler should refill and re-enqueue the buffer, and then return.The application need not keep track of encoded buffers; the callback parameterlist includes sufficient information to indicate the buffer that should be enqueued next.The end of stream is explicitly marked by enqueuing an EOS item.After EOS, no more enqueues are permitted.

We recommend that you make sure to provide fullADTS AAC buffers, to avoid starving the decoder. This may happen, for example, if your appreturns from the Android buffer queue callback without enqueueing another full buffer.The result of decoder starvation is unspecified.

In all respects except for the data source, the streaming decode method is the same asthe one that Decode audio to PCM describes.

Despite the similarity in names, an Android buffer queue is notthe same as an Android simple buffer queue. The streaming decoderuses both kinds of buffer queues: an Android buffer queue for the ADTSAAC data source, and an Android simple buffer queue for the PCM datasink. For more information about the Android simple buffer queue API, see Androidsimple buffer queue data locator and interface.For more information about the Android buffer queue API, see the index.html file inthe docs/Additional_library_docs/openmaxal/ directory under the installation root.

Determining the format of decoded PCM data via metadata

The SLMetadataExtractionItf interface is part of the reference specification.However, the metadata keys that indicate the actual format of decoded PCM data are specific toAndroid. The OpenSLES_AndroidMetadata.h header file defines these metadata keys.This header file resides under your installation root, in the/sysroot/usr/include/SLES directory.

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The metadata key indices are available immediately afterthe Object::Realize() method finishes executing. However, the associated values are notavailable until after the app decodes the first encoded data. A goodpractice is to query for the key indices in the main thread after calling the Object::Realize method, and to read the PCM format metadata values in the Android simplebuffer queue callback handler when calling it for the first time. Consult theexample code in theNDK package for examples of working with this interface.

Metadata key names are stable, but the key indices are not documented,and are subject to change. An application should not assume that indicesare persistent across different execution runs, and should not assume thatmultiple object instances share indices within the same run.

Floating-point data

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An app running on Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher can supply data to an AudioPlayer insingle-precision, floating-point format.

In following example code, the Engine::CreateAudioPlayer() method creates an audio playerthat uses floating-point data:

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Read more about floating-point audioon the Sampling Audio page.