Free Download Path For Android


Free download path for android download

Jul 16, 2017  Path Guide is a completely map-free, infrastructure-free, plug-and-play indoor navigation service. It exploits the ubiquitous geomagnetism and natural walking patterns to guide users to destinations along a path collected by an earlier traveler. There are three simple steps to start using Path Guide. User records sensory data with his/her device during a given indoor walk. Usually the DownloadManager handles downloads and the files are then accessed by requesting the file's uri fromthe download manager using a file id to get where file was places which would usually be somewhere in the sdcard/ real or emulated since apps can only read data from certain places on the filesystem outside of their data directory like.


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Free Download Path For Android App

  • edited October 2015

    Seems like I can't edit my post. Oh well. Here's the exception I'm getting if I put the File.WriteAllText in a try-catch block: Could not find a part of the path: /Download/families.txt

    UPDATE: It works with external storage. That's great, but my phone (OnePlus One) doesn't have external storage. Can it be the device's problem?

  • Your path is wrong. You should get the right one with this peace of code:

  • edited October 2015

    This one sets the path to '/storage/emulated/0/Download', which I guess is folder, but emulated? Nevertheless I get an exception saying I don't have access to it anyway (I have set the permissions for reading and writing external storage).

  • edited October 2015

    Finally found a solution.

    The path was the problem, now with a simple streamwriter it works like magic.

  • edited March 2016

    I'm still having problems getting this to work. If I use the path you found to fix the problem from you, then I get the emulated path.

    Using this: global::Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath.ToString();
    Gives me this: /storage/emulated/0/

    Using this: Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
    Gives me this: /data/data/my_app_full_name/files/

    (PS. I'm launching my app on an actual device from Xamarin Studio via USB).

    I have tried so many different enumerators and whatnot to get a simple path to the Android file system and nothing seems to work.

  • I'm a new to Xamarin / Visual Studio / Android and struggling with the '/storage/emulated/0/' issue as well. Any chance that this has something to do with runtime permissions in Marshmallow? I'm starting to think that even though I've granted external storage write permissions in the manifest, that my app still doesn't have runtime write permissions. If someone knows for sure, please chime in. Thank you.

  • The problem for me was Android 6.0 permissions. Now that I have implemented the correct steps to get external storage permissions, my app can write to external storage. Chasing down '/storage/emulated/0/' was a red herring for me and didn't indicate a problem.

  • Please follow along to get the solution for xamarin forms

  • Exactly what in this video answers the question??????

  • @justrandomdude said:
    Finally found a solution.

    The path was the problem, now with a simple streamwriter it works like magic.

    What part did you use this code for?

  • edited January 2018

    after some tried this's works for me

  • How do i reference this then in my forms code ie how do i still access the path variable is their a way to do it?. Ie in my main activity i have the following.

    But i want to refernce it in my code behind of my xaml in my xamrin forms app how ?.

  • var path = global::Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath;
    var filename = Path.Combine(path.ToString(), 'dhananjeyan.txt');

    ****The path was the problem****